Imagine this raisin is like that of an aged face. How can we turn this wrinkled raisin back into a plump, smooth and firm grape again?
Since aging doesn't happen drastically overnight, it makes sense that anti-aging shouldn't as well.
Scultpra. If you haven't heard of this product before now, you surely won't forget it! The most Premium Product and Treatment for ANTI-Aging!
This product is so unique and so profound that it can only be offered by TRAINED, and EXPERIENCED Plastic Surgeons or Dermatologists. So you won't find this product being offered at your local day spa.
Sculptra is a biocompatiable, biodegradable synthetic injectable that works deep with the dermis to replace lost collagen. As a gradual foundation of collagen is being built on, shallow to deep facial wrinkles and folds begin to volumize and correct. This is what produces a rejuvenated, smooth, and more youthful appearance.
Since more than one treatment is recommended for most (usually 2-3 total), Sculptra is praised for being forgiving, correctable, and successful.
The best results occur subtly over time, you achieve a very natural-looking appearance. No incisions. No surgery needed. No down time necessary. Everyone will notice how great you will look...and no one will know you had anything done.
Sculptra is one of very few products to actually last! Though individual results may vary, Sculptra may last up to two or more years.
Out with the OLD, in with the NEW...get started with Sculptra TODAY! 310.275.6600
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