Big. Small. Sharp. Hooked. Long. Up-turned. Cute.
How would you describe your NOSE?
Noses are the most prominent feature on (mostly everyone's) face. Noses are different for us all and certainly can add unique characteristics to one's face.
Not everybody loves the nose they were born with. Some find their nose is not "in balance" with the rest of their face. Sometimes the nose can be deviated (crooked) causing difficulty breathing. Whatever the case may be, Rhinoplasty surgery is in high demand all over the world!
Rhinoplasty surgery can be done by surgically shaping the bone and/or cartilage of the nose. The recovery is fairly painless, though it can be a bit challenging to breathe through the nose right after the surgery has been done due to swelling and there can be some bruising associated with the recovery. It usually takes about 1 week of "down time" and wearing of a splint (cast) over the nose. Though only a week is typical for a splint to be worn, the nose continues to heal, shape, mold, and continue to look better for even up to a year or more!
Rhinoplasty surgery can give you the confidence you deserve to feel good about yourself!!! If you've ever considered a Rhinoplasty procedure, call us for your personalized consultation today!
Plastic Surgery Phoenix stated that, Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure which is usually performed by either an otolaryngologist (head and neck surgeon), maxillofacial surgeon, or plastic surgeon in order to improve the function (reconstructive surgery) or the appearance (cosmetic surgery) of a human nose. Rhinoplasty is also commonly called "nose reshaping" or "nose job". Rhinoplasty can be performed to meet aesthetic goals or for reconstructive purposes to correct trauma, birth defects or breathing problems. Rhinoplasty can be combined with other surgical procedures such as chin augmentation to enhance the aesthetic results.