Monday, August 23, 2010

Breast Reduction: Up, Up, and Away!

With so many woman having breast augmentation these days to enhance their chest, it seems almost taboo to want to reduce your natural, well-endowed size.

Bigger isn't always better. Woman with naturally enlarged breast will vow:
-shoulders hurt,
-back aches,
-you can't find clothing that fits really well,
-bras for big breast look like they belong to your Great Grandma,
-physical activity is a bit challenging because "they're in the way",
and not to mention...sometimes the attention you get is not the kind your looking for!

A Breast Reduction may be exactly what you deserve (literally, a weight off your shoulders), AND the aesthetic results are so extremely pleasing as well! The breast volume is reduced and the nipples/areolar complex (which are typically made smaller in circumference) are lifted to a higher, youthful, and more perky position.

The surgery does entail incisions on the breast which heal and fade with time. The recovery is fairly quick, which most claim as being minimal to moderate discomfort, and worth every bit of it!

The surgery can take place in a hospital but most have it performed in a full-accredited ambulatory surgery center. Depending on one's severity, it is possible that some health insurances cover this procedure as a medical necessity.

And the one regret women have after they have it done...
"Why didn't I do this sooner???!!!!"



  1. According to Plastic Surgery Phoenix, breast reduction or reduction mammoplasty is a common surgical procedure which involves the reduction in the size of breasts by excising fat, skin, breast implants and glandular tissue; it may also involve a procedure to counteract drooping of the breasts. As with breast augmentation, this procedure is typically performed on women, but may also be performed on men afflicted by gynecomastia.
