Monday, February 28, 2011

Sleeping On Your Back Will Help You Maintain Looking Young

While there are many different variables as to why we age and get wrinkles, (i.e., sun exposure, genetics, smoking, lack of adequate sleep,constant folds in the skin casued by facial expressions, etc), the best solutions to an aging face are by practicing prevention.

One effective action to preventing an aging face is by committing to sleep on your back. When you sleep on your back, you are preventing your face from getting squished or creased, and it would be if you slept on your stomach or side. Sleeping in certain positions night after night leads to "sleep lines": wrinkles that become etched into the surface of the skin and don't disappear once you're up. Even when you sleep on your side, you increase the chances of developing wrinkles on your cheeks and chin, while sleeping face-down gives you a furrowed brow.

Suggestively, if laying on your back is difficult to do, or is a challenge to not turn over, try sleeping with a pillow underneath your knees to prevent you from rolling over, which may also prevent any lower back pressure you might experience.

Tonight, give it a try! And should you succeed...look at how refreshed and "line-free" you'll look in the morning! 310.275.6600

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Notorious and Ever-Popular "Brazilian Butt-lift"

Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez. What do they primarily have in common that every body seems to envy these days... Yep! Their curvaceous derrières!

These days, the Brazilian Butt-lift procedure is in high demand to give ladies (and even men) that full, round, perfect behind.

So, what is the Brazilian Butt-lift and how is it done?
This is done with liposuction of the waist, abdomen, and trunk areas to harvest fat. This fat is then purified, such that the top level of fluid, serum, and red blood cells are removed. This extracted fat is handled gently, cleaned and set aside for re-injection. This harvest and re-injection process needs to be done carefully as this is what yields long lasting results.

Healing: Immediately after your procedure, you will be dressed in a specially designed supportive garment and sent home to rest. Staying off of your backside for the next couple of weeks is crucial to the healing process and to assure that the implanted fat cells receive adequate blood supply. You will need a caregiver at all times during the first 24 hours but in a few days you can resume limited activity.

Results may very from person to person, therefore it is always important to go over a patient's expectations and create the most logical and realistic surgical plan to ensure the highest satisfaction.

To schedule your Brazilian Butt-lift consultation, or for more information regarding this procedure, please call: 310.275.6600
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Monday, February 21, 2011

What Would You Change About Yourself?

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be and why? This isn't just the physical, but more about what makes you who you are.

Think about it...

What Would You Change About Yourself?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What is Anesthesia, and is it SAFE?

Anesthesia is the total loss of feeling or sensation. It is primarily used when surgeries are performed to block any painful sensations for the patient. There are different types of anesthesia. What are the indications for performing anesthesia?
What are the types of anesthesia?
There are four main categories of anesthesia most commonly used. These include: local anesthesia, regional anesthesia, sedation and general anesthesia.

What is local anesthesia?
Local anesthesia is when injections of local anesthetic drug medications are used to block sensation to a smaller and more specific area of the body or face.

What is regional anesthesia?
Regional anesthesia typically is referring to the use of local anesthetic drugs to block an area/region of the body. It does so by blocking a set of nerves that are responsible for the sensation of that area. An example of this is an epidural. Regional anesthesia does not affect the brain, but might used in conjunction with sedation for additional patient comfort.

What is sedation?
Sedation is the use of drug medications to make a patient feel extremely relaxed and "drowsy”, therefore supporting the patient to feel more comfortable. It does not result in complete unconsciousness, but can result in amnesia (not remembering) and the patient may actually doze off and fall asleep for a period of time.

What is general anesthesia?
General anesthesia is when medications are used that affects the brain in a way that causes unconsciousness/unawareness. As a result, the patient becomes unaware of stimulation and pain and does not remember anything during this time .Some of the medications used are the same or similar to medications that are used in sedation, but often at a higher dose.

What makes anesthesia safe?
Your anesthesiologist is responsible to know as much as possible about your overall health from the start of your anesthesia until you leave the recovery room. Your anesthesiologist makes sure that the entire anesthesia is tailored to your specific requirements to ensure your experience with anesthesia is a safe and easy one. He or she will also be responsible to check all equipment to ensure it is working properly before you undergo anesthesia. A well-trained and certified Anesthesiologist knows what to do if a situation occurs with any of the equipment during your anesthesia. He or she will be with you throughout your operation, monitoring you and your surgeon. Your anesthesiologist also continuously watches a number of monitors that measure many of the things happening to you while you are under the effects of the anesthesia. Should there be any complications, either because of the anesthesia medications, or more likely because of the operation, your anesthesiologist will respond quickly, having been fully trained in managing emergencies.

Modern anesthesia is extremely safe, despite some of the stories you hear. To compare one hour of being under anesthesia with, say, one hour spent in traffic or on a one-hour plane trip, the risk of dying is about one in ten thousand in traffic, about one in one million in an aircraft, and one in 100,000 – 500,000 during anesthesia. If you compare one hour of having anesthesia with an hour of air travel, then the risk of dying is about five to ten times higher during anesthesia. In contrast, an hour spent parachute-jumping carries a risk of death about 20 – 100 times that associated with anesthesia. The safety of anesthesia has increased over the years, even though much more complicated operations are being performed, for patients with more severe illnesses. In most Western countries, the risk of death associated with anesthesia has decreased to one-tenth of what it was thirty years ago. You can be confident that modern anesthesia is very safe.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

An Aftercare Facility Following Your Procedure Might Just Be The Best Idea Yet!

Who really wants to go home after a surgery, jumping back into the everyday chaotic, in-demand schedule and routine? Hmmm....No one does! After surgery, when your feeling tired and quite vulnerable, the most comforting and stress-free solution might simply be going to an aftercare facility.

In Los Angeles, aftercare facilities are everywhere. Here at BHPSG, we find that Pearl Recovery at the SLS Hotel is our aftercare of choice. Pearl Recovery offers patients comfort; like that of being in your own home (if not better), with the most knowledgeable and caring nursing staff to look after your every need following a surgery.

Pearl Recovery offers the most luxurious experience for both pre and post recovery. We are confident that Pearl Recovery Retreat will care for our patients so diligently, that they will leave feeling pampered, healthy, and luminous.

By going to a reputable aftercare, this ensures less chance of complications, helps to promote a shorter duration of "down-time" and really caters to patients' concern(s), especially when the doctor cannot be accessed. Additionally, this allows an effective way to manage the post-op process, ensuring the patients’ safety and peace of mind.

If you are planning on having a surgery and looking for a reputable aftercare, let us introduce you to Pearl Aftercare.

Call us today! 310.275.6600

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Who Nose?

If you are unhappy with the aesthetic look, shape, size, structure or functionality of your nose, you may be a good candidate for Rhinoplasty (otherwise known as a "nose-job").

Injury or trauma also can bring people to seek out Rhinoplasty Surgery. Nose-improvement surgery is a procedure designed to increase the quality of appearance and/or function of the nose. This surgery can correct a crooked nose, minimize or reshaped the bones and cartilages, and/or change the nose or nostrils while fixing structural issues which lead to difficult breathing, (such as a deviated septum).

Rhinoplasty Surgery is one one the most in-demand procedures world-wide amongst both men and women. With the right doctor(s), the results can be extremely rewarding and highly improve one's self-confidence and appearance!

To schedule your consultation regarding Rhinoplasty Surgery, call us today at : 310.275.6600