Thursday, September 30, 2010


Radiesse - Non-Surgical Options

Radiesse is one of the "filler" products that The Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group is offering to soften and reduce some of the facial lines such as the nasolabial folds (the lines between your nose and mouth) and the marionette lines (the lines that run down from your mouth). Radiesse can also be used to reshape the jaw line. Like other fillers, these results can be achieved with a simple in-office visit. The advantage of Radiesse over some of the other existing "fillers" is that it lasts on average for 1 year. Some of the other existing "filler" products only last on average six months (Restylane® and Perlane®) and some only three months (Collagen products).

The results with Radiesse can be seen immediately. As with any "filler" treatment or injectable there may be some bruising for a few days. Makeup usually adequately covers most bruising and patients are able to go about their normal daily routine. While this bruising may be minor, patients do need to be aware of it and not schedule treatments within a week of "important events."

Radiesse is a safe, biocompatible, biodegradable, injectable that is made up primarily of Calcium. The FDA approved Radiesse in December 2006 for the correction and filling for moderate to severe facial folds and wrinkles, including nasolabial folds. No skin testing is required.

Radiesse is gently injected into the skin in small amounts with a very fine needle. Its exclusive calcium-based microsphere technology contains tiny particles that form a scaffold around which the body is stimulated to produce new collagen. This unique response provides immediate, visible improvement of folds and wrinkles, while the body's own collagen naturally restores a fuller, more youthful appearance that keeps patients looking better even longer. Radiesse's tiny microspheres gradually break down into calcium and phosphate ions that are naturally taken up by the body over time.

Women or men who have facial wrinkles and folds common with aging and volume loss are candidates for Radiesse. In particular, Radiesse is the better choice for women who are familiar with other filler products but are frustrated by the inconvenience of injections every 3 to 6 months. In addition, these patients need to be willing to pay the slightly higher cost for the Radiesse injection. However, in the long run, Radiesse is more cost effective when you consider that it lasts on average twice the length of time as Restylane. In addition, there is slightly more material in the Radiesse syringe.
Radiesse is not recommended for use in enlarging or enhancing the lips. At BHPSG, Juvederm is used for lip augmentation.

Since Radiesse has no anesthetic in the product we recommend that patients have a "dental block" before they receive an injection of Radiesse. We use a technique that is similar to the technique that dentists use when giving "Novocain" for dental work. This "dental block" is identical to the "dental block" that is used before injecting other fillers. We provide this "dental block" at the time of treatment and it is included in the price of a Radiesse injection.

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group offers Radiesse at a very attractive price of $700 for a 1.3 ml syringe. Two syringes of RadiesseTM 1.3 ml syringe injected at the same visit costs $1300 ($100 discount). Prior to receiving their first treatment of Radiesse a patient would need to have a consultation with Dr. Danielpour and Dr. Layke. You can expect that treatment could be provided at the same time as the consultation. The cost of this consultation is $75 if the patient elects to receive no "filler" treatment. If the patient elects to be treated on the day of consultation with either Radiesse or another filler such as Restylane or Juvederm then the cost of the consultation is waived and the patient pays only for the treatment.

Call (310) 275-6600 for an appt

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Umbilical Hernia Repair

What is the cause of an Umbilical Hernia?

Umbilical Hernias can be acquired as the result of a repetitive or sudden injury, strain or pressure which causes the abdominal wall to weaken. However, umbilical hernias can also be since birth, otherwise known as congenital. In some cases, umbilical hernias are caused at birth by a weakness in the navel area where the umbilical cord left the infant and as a result, the umbilical ring never quite heals. What exactly prevents the umbilical ring from closing entirely is not known, though it is thought that many aspects affecting the developing fetus are involved. Umbilical hernias can be commonly found in infants, but can occur at any time in later adulthood.

As for children or infants, hernias may close slowly, possibly delaying surgery unless the hernia causes problems. Umbilical hernias which do not close or heal on their own may require surgery. In adults an umbilical hernia will not heal and go away and is often caused by sudden or repeated strain or stress on the abdominal muscles. As time passes, the hole or weakness increasingly grows larger allowing more abdominal contents to protrude, sometimes to the point that the hernia will distort the navel creating an “outie” instead of an “innie”. Umbilical hernias in adults can become problematic in that strangulation can occur and immediate medical attention may become necessary.

Signs and symptoms of an umbilical hernia vary for each individual, however, the primary symptom is often a small, soft bulge under or around the navel area. The bulge may be visible, or it may only be felt when pushed on. Sometimes the umbilical hernia is accompanied by pain, or a burning sensation, in the abdomen and may become more severe when lifting, coughing or sneezing. This area may also become swollen and may appear red or a gray-blue on the surface. It is possible to be able to push part of the bulge from the hernia back into the abdomen temporarily, but again, it will not heal or go away on its own and will eventually require surgery.

Resolution or Treatment

Understanding your unique situation and needs is first and foremost for us which is why we don't perform one type of procedure on everyone, but rather choose methods best suited to you.
If you have (or think you may have an Umbilical Hernia) call us today to schedule your personalized consultation! 310.275.6600

It could be covered by your insurance!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Gynecomastia: Enlarged Breasts in Men

Shame. Humiliation. Insecurity. These are some of the emotions experienced by men with enlarged breasts, or gynecomastia.

About half of all men today have excess localized fat and/or excess glandular tissue in one or both breasts. Gynecomastia accounts for more than 65 percent of all male breast disorders, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).

Causes of Enlarged Breasts in Men

In most cases, the cause is unknown. Sometimes it is an imbalance of the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone. But heredity conditions, diseases including certain endocrine disorders, tumors, and chronic diseases or certain drugs such as anti-depressants, blood-pressure medicines, marijuana, and steroids may also cause the condition.

Some men or boys have fat on their chests that makes it look as though they have breasts. This is not gynecomastia, but is called pseudogynecomastia and may go away with diet or exercise. Some men or boys will need treatment for this, as these fat pockets can be resistant to the effects of diet and exercise. In contrast, true gynecomastia will not usually improve with diet and exercise.

While not a serious medical problem, enlarged breasts can cause pain. They can also cause embarrassment — especially among young boys who may be teased as a result of their male breasts. It is especially common in teen boys. Up to 65 percent of 14-year-old boys have enlarged breasts, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. This is largely due to the fluctuations in sex hormones that occur during puberty. The excess breast tissue disappears without treatment in two years in 75 percent of these boys, and within three years in 90 percent of them.

Repeated use of products containing lavender oil or tea tree oil may spur breast growth in prepubertal boys, according to a study in The New England Journal of Medicine. The effects fade when boys stop using the products.

More than half of male infants are born with enlarged breasts due to the effects of their mother's estrogen. This typically disappears within two to three weeks after birth.

In older men, gynecomastia often results from decreasing levels of the male sex hormone testosterone, which occurs with advancing age. In addition, men experience an increase in body fat with age and a resultant rise in the ratio of estrogen to the male sex hormones (androgens).
Gynecomastia Treatment

Surgery, liposuction or a combination of the two may be used to treat enlarged breasts. The reasons for surgery are two-fold in men: The first goal is to reconstruct the contour of the chest. The second goal is to determine if a suspicious lesion in the chest is cancerous. Enlargement typically occurs on both sides of the chest. If it is one-sided, firm and hard, see a doctor immediately to rule out male breast cancer.

The first step for treatment is a consultation with a fully-trained plastic surgeon. This evaluation will determine if you are a good candidate for male breast reduction.

You may be a candidate if you are healthy, are of relatively normal weight, have realistic expectations, are bothered by the feeling that your breasts are too large and (this is important) your breast development has stabilized. In general, the best candidates for surgery have firm, elastic skin that will reshape to the body's new contours.

Teens may benefit from surgery if their gynecomastia has been present for more than two years or if the problem is severe. In some teens, secondary procedures may be needed down the road if breast development continues.

Male breast reduction may be discouraged if you are obese, or if you are overweight and have not first attempted to lose the fat around the breast area with an exercise or weight loss program. If you use drugs that may cause the condition, you are not a good candidate. Your doctor would first advise you to stop using these drugs or to switch to other medications that do not cause it. Never stop taking a prescription medication without talking to your doctor first.
In addition to taking a thorough medical history, your surgeon will also assess whether you have any allergies or have had any prior surgeries in the chest region. He or she will also perform a physical exam to measure the extent of excess fat and glandular tissue in the chest area. Your surgeon will also likely conduct diagnostic testing to determine the underlying cause of your enlarged breasts. This will include tests of your endocrine function. The endocrine glands secrete the hormones that have been linked to enlarged breasts.

Your surgeon will likely take some "before" photos during this consultation process and will also discuss your expectations from the surgery.
Please visit us at for further information and call us to set up a consultation today!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Body Contouring After Massive Weight loss

Massive Weight Loss: Now that you've accomplished your goal in losing the weight, are you left with excess skin?

Often times people who have lost massive amounts of weight feel as though they are wearing a deflated sumo suit. When the suit is inflated, like that of a fully inflated balloon, it's outer shell is extremely taut. Once the suit deflates, it then appears wrinkled. The same thing can happen to our skin.

When weight is gained, (or even from pregnancy) the skin expands and stretches. As it does, the skin and underlying collagen and strong supportive structures also thins and the elasticity is weakened. Often times patients who were once obese that lose weight are constantly (and to their dismay) reminded of the weight they used to carry because the loose skin still remains and is often furrowed with visible striae (stretch marks).

Unless you have extremely favorable genetics, it may be challenging to have your skin retract on its own. Though medicine and science are in a constant state of discovery, understanding and advancements, there is nothing out on the market yet to FULLY remove stretch marks or tighten skin completely. Though the technology of thermal energy lasers have come a long way and show some successful improvement of skin retraction and collagen stimulation, the method that exceeds all the rest is surgical excision and redraping.

Here is a list of the most popular, common, and in-demand skin tightening/body contouring procedures we offer and specialize in:

Abdominoplasty "Tummy Tuck"-Abdomen

Brachioplasty- Arms

Truncal Lift-central body (front and back)

Thigh Lift

Buttocks Lift

Breast Lift

Neck Lift

Depending on your situation and health insurance benefits, some insurance carriers may authorize for your surgical procedure if medically necessary.

If you have lost excessive weight and are looking for skin to match your new frame, please call us for a complimentary consultation with the Doctors. YOU DESERVE IT!


For before and after photos :

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Subfascial Breast Augmentation: Is the best placement for breast implants in-between?

" Out with the old and in with the new." If we didn't live this way, we might still be living like Fred Flinstone. With science, art, medicine, and beauty (all things necessary for Plastic Surgery), it's important we stay ahead of the current and contantly strive to offer the most innovative techniques and procedures.

If you've heard of choices for breast implant placement, you've probably heard of two places: over the muscle and under the muscle. But have you heard of Subfascial? Subfascial means "under the fascia", and fascia is the connective tissue attached to the muscle. Much research has found that by placing the implants under the pectoralis fascia (not muscle itself) not only allows for a natural look by having just enough tissue covering the implant, but doesn't prolong the patient's recovery by having to cut the muscle. Even more, if the implant isn't placed under the muscle, it eliminates the chances of having implant animation (this is when the muscle and implant show seperation when the pectoralis muscles flex).

As like any surgery, all risks and benefits should be discussed between you and your Surgeon.

The Subfascial Placement is on the rise with more exposure of its successful benefits!

Call us today to discuss Subfascial Breast Implant Placement for YOU!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The "New", less invasive, faster recovery, better results - SLIM LIPO

What is Slim Lipo?

Slim Lipo is a procedure used to achieve results similar to traditional liposuction procedures. SlimLipo is considered less invasive than traditional liposuction procedures however because it involves the use of a laser and eliminates fat with much less discomfort, bruising and recovery time. Incisions made during the procedure are cons

iderably smaller when compared to traditional procedures. “Slim” stands for “selective laser induced melting.” Slim Lipo procedures involve the use of a machine that uses a wavelength of 920, which is considered more efficient than other laser treatments.

How is a Slim Lipo treatment performed?

Prior to a treatment, the patient has a consultation with the physician. The physician determines whether there are any underlying medical conditions that might increase risks during the medical procedure, or potential results. The area of incision is marked and a local anesthesia is applied. The physician makes incisions, and a small tube called a cannula is inserted. The cannula fires the laser at the targeted area, and the melted fat is either eliminated through a suction device, or through the body’s natural elimination systems.

Who is a candidate for Slim Lipo?

Good candidates for Slim Lipo include reasonably healthy men and women who have localized areas of fat that have not responded well to diet and exercise. Patients are encouraged to have realistic expectations and should be ready to follow pre and post-operative instructions carefully to guarantee the best results. SlimLipo is not intended to cure obesity, and is usually used on people of average weight.

What may be expected during recovery?

Following a Slim Lipo treatment patients usually experience bruising, swelling, and slight discomfort. Patients may need to wear a compression dressing for a few days to reduce the side effects. Work can usually be resumed the day after the procedure, but strenuous activity should be postponed for a week or two after the procedure. Overall, recovery is moderately short and painless.

What risks may be associated with Slim Lipo?

Possible risks after a SlimLipo treatment include infection, pain, bruising, and swelling at the incision locations. In rare cases, the patient experiences irregular body contouring or skin pigmentation following the procedure. Finding a physician who is experienced with Slim Lipo, and following pre and post-operative instructions very carefully may greatly reduce such risks.

How much does Slim Lipo cost?

Treatment costs vary depending on the size of the operation area and the amount of fat to be removed. In general, Slim Lipo Procedures average between $2000 and $6000. The geographic location and the specific practicing physician may also have an impact on the price of the procedure.

Insurance usually does not offer coverage for procedures deemed cosmetic in nature so patients may research financing to increase affordability. Many health care clinics feature financing options. Locate a qualified cosmetic dermatologist in your area who offers Slim Lipo and discuss what financing options may be available to you.

Call (310) 275-6600 for more information or a free consultation

Monday, September 13, 2010

Grow Your Lashes!!!!

Yes! It is POSSIBLE to have longer, thicker and darker lashes---That are your OWN!

Maybe you've seen the commercials on TV with Brooke Shields as the spokes-person, or better yet, you YOURSELF have tried (or know someone who has tried) this amazing product and can testify that this product is TRULY effective!

The First, One and ONLY FDA approved prescription to make eyelashes grow!

How to use:
One Latisse Kit includes 60 individual applicator brushes (30-day supply if used daily) and a
3 ml bottle of bimatoprost ophthalmic solution 0.03%.

Best used at night before bed. Just one drop on the applicator brush is all you need. Then, on a clean eyelid (and no contacts), swipe the brush across the base of the upper lid (like applying an eyeliner). Do the same for both eyes. It is not necessary to swipe on the lower lid. More drops are not better. All you need is enough to make the lid base moist, but not runny. Throw the disposable applicator(s) away. Do not wash your face. Allow product to penetrate and work over night.

In the morning, wash your face and do your daily routine like you normally would. You might find your eyeballs are a bit red and itchy. If so, this is temporary. It is OK to use "Clear eyes" or moisturizing eye-drops if desired. Follow the same routine nightly for as long as desired or until another kit is needed. (Personally, I find that use of product every other night is still extremely effective). You will start to see results in a matter of just a couple weeks!

Here is a picture of someone's results after 16weeks. Results may vary.

NO, your eyelashes will not fall out if/when you discontinue use.

NO, your eye color should not change.

Yes, it is safe and it does work!!!

It is always advised to check with your physician prior to starting any new medication or treatment, especially if you are already being treated or on some other form of eye medication.

Since this IS a prescription, ONLY a Doctor or Medical Office can offer this to you.

Call us TODAY for your kit of Latisse and watch your beautiful lashes grow! only $120/kit


Thursday, September 9, 2010


Dr. Layke and Dr. Danielpour of Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Group specialize in Invigorating your look with Fat Transfer to the Face and Body

What exactly is a Fat Transfer Procedure? Well, it IS all in the name...but let us further explain...

Fat Transfer Procedures are highly popular in the Plastic Surgery Industry. Often times patients don't even know about their surgical options prior to a personalized consultation, but have the desire of looking invigorated somehow. The Fat Transfer Procedure can be a very reliable and successful option for the right kind of patient. This procedure is an excellent option for patients (both men and women) who are looking to add volume or fill deep folds in the face. Fat Transfer Surgery is often performed to add fullness to lips, cheeks, chin, under-eyes, buttocks and the backs of hands.

The procedure entails using one’s own harvested (liposuctioned) fat from the abdomen, thighs, or other areas of the body that has some fat to spare. The fat is then cleanly processed to separate the purified fat from any residual fluids. Next, the fat in place into a syringe where the doctor may now inject into the volume-desired area(s).Minimal to no down time is needed for this procedure.

Sometimes one treatment is not enough to achieve the desired look or correct a dermal depression. It may sometimes take up two to three treatments over a six-month period to obtain the desired outcome. Once the achieved outcome is obtained, the results may be permanent.

Alternatives to a Fat Transfer could be facial implants (such as cheek and/or chin), or other injectable implants /fillers such as Juvederm, Restylane, Perlane, or Sculptra. All benefits and risks regarding any procedure should always be discussed between you and your doctor.

But how will you know what's right for you...if you don't call???

Let us join you in becoming INVIGORATED!!!

For a personalized consultation, please call 310.275.6600

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Younger Looking Eyes NOW!

Who doesn't want gorgeous, young, captivating eyes?!

Eyes are the windows and warmth for us all. As we age, the skin around our eyes (which by the way, is the thinnest skin on our entire face and body) starts to become thinner, and less tight due to a break down of collagen and loss of skin elasticity.
Collagen performs a highly important function throughout our body. Its biggest responsibility is for firmness to structures and elasticity of the skin layers. Substantial loss of the body's collagen leads to weakened muscles due to less elastic connective tissues that hold together the various fatty and muscle cells. Specifically, eyelids begin to lose their resiliency, or their ability to physically spring back when opened.

In certain individuals, the upper lid skin may become excessive and even drape over the pupil of the eye, impairing one's vision. Blepharochalasia is the medical term for this condition. It specifically refers to the excess eyelid skin, weakened eyelid muscles and increasingly protruding fat pockets that result to the dropping of the upper eyelids.

Knowing what causes sagging eyelids will hopefully help you understand your options and what you can do address it. A good regimen for a healthy diet/lifestyle and sufficient sleep have been shown to minimize the effects of sagging eyelids.

We offer the most profound solution for those that desire rejuvenated eyes, which is the very popular by demand, Blepharoplasty Surgery. Blepharoplasty is the technical term which refers to the removal or repositioning of excess fatty tissues beneath the eyelid skin. It also involves the reinforcement of the muscles and connecting tissues that surround them.

The recovery is quick and the surgery itself is very tolerable. The results, EXTRAORDINARY! It's amazing what the eyes project and what they can say about us.

Don't you want eyes that say, "I feel refreshed and eye-love-it" !!!!!!

Call us TODAY to schedule your personalized consultation for gorgeous eyes!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Don't Neglect to Protect

Is your skin starting to resemble the color of a lobster?!

Even if your skin doesn't turn this bright color red, but you are NOT using SPF on your skin, the damage you're causing your entire health is SEVERE!

As we wrap up the summer this Labor Day weekend, we strongly emphasize the use of SPF all over your body and face! Even if you will not be spending your time outside, getting into the habit of using an SPF daily could save YOU now, and for your future!

Look for sunblocks that have an SPF of 50 or greater to really protect your skin from harmful and powerful sun rays. It's important that you read the main ingredients in your sunblock to ensure its effectiveness. Make sure it contains Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide.

Physician recommended duo-action sun damage prevention and 100% mineral sunscreen in a weightless, oil-free lotion that absorbs instantly for complete protection can be found in NIA24. This is the product of choice that we carry in our office and what we HIGHLY recommend for everyone to use!

Continuous, deep delivery of Pro-Niacin strengthens the skin barrier and is clinically shown to visibly improve skin tone, texture and hyperpigmentation.

While Niacin is used in other products on the market, Pro-Niacin in NIA24 is the first, and only patented Niacin molecule that converts to its active form to help regenerate skin cell layers.

Remember that repair is never as good as prevention.

Besides, there is nothing sexy about ...

But this is!
Don't Neglect to Protect!!!
Come and pick up your NIA24 Skin Care Products TODAY!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Enhancing your appearance with spider vein treatment

Do you avoid showing your legs because you have spider veins? Those unsightly small clusters of red, blue or purple veins that appear on the thighs, calves and ankles, you are not alone. It’s estimated that at least half of all women are bothered by this common cosmetic problem.

If you would like to eliminate your spider veins and improve your appearance, there are very effective, safe and relatively painless methods available for eradicating spider veins.

In some women, spider veins become noticeable in their early 20s. For others, the veins may not become obvious until they reach their 40s. Men get spider veins, too. However, usually they are concealed by hair growth on the leg.

A number of factors may contribute to the development of spider veins in the legs, including:

Hormonal shifts
Weight gain
Occupations or activities that require prolonged sitting or standing

Is it right for me?
Spider vein treatment is a highly individualized procedure and you should do it for yourself, not to fulfill someone else’s desires or to try to fit any sort of ideal image. Spider vein treatment can be performed on people of any age and is a good option for you if:

You are bothered by spider veins anywhere on your body
You have a positive outlook and realistic goals for your spider vein treatment
You are committed to following your plastic surgeon’s prescribed course of treatment
What to expect during your consultation
The success and safety of your procedure depends very much on your complete candidness during your consultation. You’ll be asked a number of questions about your health, desires and lifestyle.

Be prepared to discuss:
Why you want the procedure, your expectations and desired outcome
Any problems you may have had in the area to be treated, such as pain or previous injuries
Any surgical procedures that have been performed near the area to be treated, including any previous vein treatments
Medical conditions, family history, drug allergies, and medical treatments
Use of current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco and drugs
Your surgeon may also:
Evaluate your general health status and any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors
Examine your veins in detail
Discuss your options and recommend a course of treatment
Discuss likely outcomes of spider vein treatment and any risks or potential complications
If leg veins are the problem, your surgeon may examine you for signs of more serious “deep vein” problems, as well as for larger, varicose veins. These conditions are often identified by swelling, sores, or skin changes at the ankle. A hand-held ultrasound device is sometimes used to detect any backflow within the venous system. If problems are identified, your surgeon may refer you to a different specialist for further evaluation and possible treatment.

What happens during spider vein treatment?
Sclerotherapy requires no anesthesia and is usually performed in an outpatient setting. Two or more sessions, each lasting less than an hour, are usually required to obtain optimal results.

Step 1 - The treatment
A common method of treating spider veins in the legs and ankles is with sclerotherapy. In this treatment, sclerosing solution is injected into each affected vein, causing the vein to collapse and fade from view.

Although everyone is different, you can generally expect to receive one injection for every inch of spider vein that is treated. Bright light and magnification may be used to ensure maximum precision while the skin is held taut to inject sclerosing solution. A cotton ball and compression tape is often applied to each injection site as it is finished.

Leg veins may also be treated with a laser. In this method, an intense beam of light is directed at the spider vein, which obliterates it through the skin.

Typically, two or more sessions are needed to obtain the desired results. Sometimes, laser therapy is used in combination with sclerotherapy.

The decision to have spider vein treatment is extremely personal and you’ll have to decide if the benefits will achieve your goals and if the risks and potential complications are acceptable.

After your treatment, you may be instructed to wear support hose to help your legs heal. You may feel some cramping in your legs for the first day or two after treatment. This discomfort is temporary and usually doesn’t require prescription medication.

You will be given specific instructions that may include: How to care for your legs following treatment, medications to apply or take orally to aid healing and reduce the risk of infection, and when to follow-up with your plastic surgeon.

When you go home
Should any complications occur, notify your plastic surgeon who will determine if any additional treatment is needed.

It’s important to know treatment may not prevent new spider veins from surfacing in the future. As time passes, you may find that you need further treatments to take care of any new veins that may emerge.

Call Now for your complimentary consultation for the removal of your spider leg veins
