Most patients these days are aware of the different breast implants that can be offered. Sometimes, patients come for a consultation stating what breast implant manufacture they desire. The more you know, the more comfortable and confident you will feel about moving forward with your surgery. Ultimately, your Surgeon will decide what is best for you, your aesthetic goals, and what is even possible for your body.
Prior to 2006, saline was the only FDA approved breast implants in the USA while silicone gel implants were undergoing further studies and investigations. Then in October 2006, silicone gel implants made a notorious comeback as it gained approval from the FDA. Now, more than ever before, woman are comfortably choosing silicone gel over saline. Silicone gel has a much higher life expectancy than that of saline. Though the general "risks" are still the same as that of saline:( i.e., capsular contracture, infection, etc) the chance of having them replaced due to loss of integrity is much lower. Silicone gel feels more natural than that of saline, as it is a semi-solid implant. There is a lower chance of rippling and wrinkling than that of saline as well.
When it comes to breast implants, there is much that can be discussed: the outer shell (smooth vs. textured), saline filled vs. silicone filled, profile (low, moderate, mid-range, moderate plus profile, and high), size (Surgeons and manufactures go by what's called "cc". This stands for cubic centimeter. The average Jane goes by "cup size"), etc. It is great to know the difference and to know what your possible choices are, but leave it up to your trusted Surgeon to make the choice that's best for you! Besides, they are the experts!
Schedule your breast augmentation consultation TODAY! 310.275.6600
Find out what breast implants are best for YOU!!!!!
Plastic Surgery Phoenix said that, most of their patients who went through a consultation told them that, they will save money for their surgical procedure no matter how much it takes. There is nothing wrong with a person treating their body anyway they like. Have a paint tattoos, place breast implants, whatever you want.
ReplyDeleteBreast implants do help a lot.